How to See Clearly

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Date: 1831

Format: Drawn in the back of a 1830-31 field notebook

Description: A doctor (Rudwick again assumes Lyell) applies plaster to the eye of a field geologist. On the back of the page, De la Beche wrote "By blocking one eye, the whole power of vision is directed through the other-the confusion caused by two is avoided and all is clear." In other words: theory is an treatment which "improves" vision by limiting it.

For more on De la Beche vs Lyell, see this page.
For more on Lyell himself, see his entry on the biography page.

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Sources & further discussion: 

First described in Rudwick, M. J. (1975). Caricature as a source for the history of science: De la Beche's anti-Lyellian sketches of 1831. Isis, 66(4), 534-560. Link []

Image yoinked from:

Rudwick (1975)

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