Untitled [President Crocodile and Meeting]

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Date: 1831

Format: Drawn in the back of a 1830-31 field notebook

Description: While obviously satirizing a scientific meeting, Rudwick (1975) could not determine if the cartoon refers to a specific event. I think it is possible that De la Beche was simply having fun with the role-reversal of prehistoric life running the meeting and humans being studied. If it is actually a reference to a specific event or concept, he simply may not have completed the sketch enough to bring his meaning across. On the other hand, it may be that he intended to satirize the same concept as in Awful Changes, but liked the latter design better.

For more on De la Beche vs Lyell, see this page.
For more on Lyell himself, see his entry on the biography page.

Unmodified Image:

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Sources & further discussion: 

First described in Rudwick, M. J. (1975). Caricature as a source for the history of science: De la Beche's anti-Lyellian sketches of 1831. Isis, 66(4), 534-560. Link [www.journals.uchicago.edu]

Image yoinked from:
Rudwick (1975)

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