Opportunity of Studying Rain

Text modified for legibility


Format: Drawn in the back of a 1830-31 field notebook

Description: De la Beche is frustrated that it is raining and he cannot do work. Similar to a 1837 sketch. From the same fieldbook as the anti-Lyell cartoons and some cartoons on religion.

Unmodified Image:
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Sources & further discussion: 

First described in Rudwick, M. J. (1975). Caricature as a source for the history of science: De la Beche's anti-Lyellian sketches of 1831. Isis, 66(4), 534-560. Link [www.journals.uchicago.edu]

Image yoinked from:

The British Geological Survey Geological blog [britgeoheritage.blogspot.com/]

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