My dearest Bessie

Text modified for legibility

Date: 1837

Format: Letter to his daughter Elizabeth, written from Tregony, a village in Cornwall.

Description: Similar to a cartoon from seven years prior, but I love that entirety of the letter is just a sketch of De la Beche looking forlorn out a window. De la Beche was presumably frustrated that he could not do any work that day.

I can't decipher one of the words in cursive -- see the unmodified version below. Suggestions welcome.

Rudwick (1985) ends his description of the cartoon with the remark, "The mice have no geological significance."

Unmodified version:
Click image to view larger

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Sources & further discussion: 

Discussed briefly in Rudwick, M. J. (1988). The great Devonian controversy: the shaping of scientific knowledge among gentlemanly specialists. University of Chicago Press.

Also the Devonian Controversy page of the British Geological Survey []. However I disagree that the boxers are "no doubt" a reference to the Devonian controversy. It could just be a depiction of the room.

Image yoinked from:

British Geological Survey []

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